Welcome to the Counseling Department

The School Counseling Department is here to help service student needs. The School Counseling Office is open throughout the school day, and students are encouraged to use the variety of information materials available there. Students are encouraged to make counselor appointments with the Guidance Secretary; however, in case of emergency, a counselor is available to help students. Counselors provide students with information and other services including individual and group guidance and counseling regarding school and social issues, personal problems, and decision making. They guide students in scheduling and course selection, and assist with career choices: i.e., college, military, and job placement. In addition, counselors administer student testing and interpret these test results and make this information available to students, teachers, and parents.

If you are a former GHS student and need your transcript sent to a college please contact ghscounseling@sau73.org

GHS Counseling Grads

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