Financial Aid & Scholarship
The link above will bring you to a living document listing several different scholarships available to students. This means that as scholarship opportunities arise, they will be added to this document. Students interested in applying for scholarships should check this document regularly to see any scholarship additions and/or other updates.
Any questions regarding scholarships and/or this document can be directed to the School Counseling Office.
Scholarship Tips
The following feedback is from Scholarship Administrators regarding scholarship application submissions, and tips from them to you!
Complete application: applications have differing components and it's important to make sure you have submitted everything, in order, on time, and in the manner in which they want to receive it.
Legibility: some applications are handwritten and need to be legible – meaning in dark and neat print.
Grammar, Spelling, and Typos: Proofreading is critical and making necessary changes is also critical. Spell Check doesn't take care of grammar always, nor does it always recognize a word that is out of place. If your application is full of these types of errors, it looks like you don't care about receiving their money.
Submit ON TIME: follow the instructions on HOW to submit your application, and by what date. Late applications generally will NOT be considered.
Essay: needs to be well-written and appropriate to the question being asked, or to the meaning of the scholarship. Scholarships that are "In Memoriam" need to be researched and handled appropriately.
Scholarship Resources
For a listing of national scholarship opportunities you can register @ which allows students access to over 1.5 million different scholarships. At and students can also register for national scholarship opportunities.